LinkedIn has quickly become the most essential source in any job seeker’s toolbox. As LinkedIn’s popularity grows, it is becoming one of the best places for life science and pharmaceutical headhunters to find new candidates. If you are looking for a new position, or want to increase your networking opportunities, keeping an up-to-date LinkedIn profile is essential
Picture perfect
No profile is complete without a picture, but don’t use just any picture. LinkedIn has become more and more flooded with Facebook-like posts and pictures. Your profile photo on LinkedIn should reflect a photo of you looking professional and at your best. Party photos and photos with friends may be okay on your other social media profiles, but they should not be used for LinkedIn. We also recommend choosing a photo of your face and not scenery. Unless you are a photographer, most likely recruiters want to see your face. Your picture adds a personal touch to your profile and creates an instantaneous connection.
If you do not have any professional photos or headshots, pop on a suit or a nice shirt and ask a friend or colleague to snap one with their
Emphasize your achievements
The current landscape for jobs is more competitive than ever. LinkedIn is not a place to be overly modest; it is a place to showcase your talents and achievements. Having accolades and awards on your profile will make you stand out from other candidates who may have the same or similar credentials. Your personal achievements could be the difference between getting a call and getting ignored. For example, if you are looking for pharmaceuticals jobs on LinkedIn, you will want to include any achievements that you have earned with your current pharmaceutical employer. The more positive statistics the better. If you were
Clubs, associations and volunteering activities may be important to some recruiters and they could give you the competitive edge you need. However, lying will never be tolerated. Do not include anything on your profile that
Complete your profile
LinkedIn now has a rating system based on your profile completeness. If you are actively seeking messages from life science, pharmaceutical and biotech headhunters, you want to aim to be at an ‘
With complete descriptions rich in keywords, you are more likely to appear more readily in search results. Much like Google search results, the richer the descriptions you have, the more likely you are to pop up for life science, pharmaceutical and biotech recruiters.
In addition to descriptions, adding skills, recommendations, and endorsements will also help your chances. For example, if you are looking for life sciences jobs or pharmaceutical jobs, be sure to add your skills in these areas. Adding these skills will help pharmaceutical recruiters to locate your profile and send you job descriptions that fit your background.
Add more connections
Much like keywords in your profile, adding more connections will make your profile more searchable. Search engine optimization expert Brian Shumway explains in an article, “LinkedIn search results depend heavily on your network of friends, colleagues, and business contacts.” With LinkedIn, the more connections you add, the more your network opens. Now, our social media advice does not include adding anyone and everyone, because you will be viewed as a spammer. However, focus on adding people you know or at least have met. If you went to a conference and sat at a table and exchanged business cards, that is a worthy LinkedIn connection. If you did not meet someone in person, but you share a similar group or interest, adding a personal message to your connection request is a nice touch.
If you are new to LinkedIn and looking to build a network quickly, adding “LIONs” is a great way to start. These ‘LinkedIn Open Networkers’ accept all connections and tend to have 1,000 or more connections. Additionally, connecting with recruiters will also help your probability of receiving recruiter messages. If they see something they like, they will most likely reach out and share opportunities. Once a connection accepts your request, it’s always nice to send a note to thank them for their acceptance. You never know where proper LinkedIn networking can lead!
Be active!
Joining pharmaceutical groups and contributing your expertise will make your profile stand out from others who are more silent on LinkedIn. If you are in groups that reflect your industry expertise, you will be able to showcase your talents and catch the eye of life science recruiters. LinkedIn also allows users to post updates to share with their networks. If you are sharing personal and unprofessional updates you may turn off recruiters. However, if you have industry-relevant articles and/or company updates, this may peek the interest of a life science, pharmaceutical, biotech or medical device headhunter and cause them to look at your profile. Sometimes less is more, so be thoughtful about what you post.
Standing out on LinkedIn is not always easy, but if you are looking to receive more messages, following the above five steps will give you a leg up against the competition. Remember, this is a professional tool that should be used and not abused. Showcase your professional talent and connect with those you know professionally. Networking is a great way to look for new opportunities and LinkedIn makes it as easy as possible, so use it to your advantage.
Need a helping hand in your job search? Proclinical's specialist recruiters will be able to offer advice and assistance as you look for your next role. Get in touch today!